1. Go to our WebStore: https://store.intcomex.com and log in with your username and password using the "Sign in" option.
2. Choose the product you want and click "Add to Shopping Cart."
3. The system will display a screen with the options "Go to Shopping Cart" or "Continue Shopping."
*Select "Continue Shopping" if you want to go back to the screen you were previously browsing.
*Click on "Go to Shopping Cart" if you want to proceed directly to the products you selected to purchase. The system will redirect you to your shopping list. You can modify the number of units for the products in your shopping cart. Then click "Update."
*Another convenient way to add products that you already know is to enter the SKU in the "Add Product to Shopping Cart" field and click the "Add" button.
You can also add multiple products at the same time using the "Add Multiple Products" option.
Here you can add products by entering the SKUs and quantities. When you finish your order, click the "Add" button.
*If you want to remove a product from your shopping cart, click "Remove" and the product will disappear from your list.
4. After you have finished adding your products to the shopping cart, click "Generate Order."
5. The system will show you the order and an option for you to choose the shipping type. Once selected, it will show another option to select the address. Remember to leave your comments in the "Shipping Instructions" space.
6. Select the payment method and click "Place Order."