
1. Log in to our WebStore: with your username and password under the "Sign In" option.

2. Click on the "My Account" option, select "Account Information", and then click on "Contact List".

3. Select "New Contact".

4. In this option, you will find the contacts that you have created. If the contact you want to give permission to is in the list, click on the "Edit" option located on the right side of the contact. If the contact you want to give permission to is not on the list, it is necessary to create it. For more information, click here.

5. Once you access the edit option, the contact information will be displayed. In the "Contact Type" section, you will find the different roles available to assign to the contact. Among them is "Pick up Merchandise." Select it and finally click on the "Save" button located at the bottom.

There, you can create the necessary contacts and grant the required permission.


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